Enrolment options

GN MLTSP Development
Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation (DME)

Is this course for me?
Yes, if you're a member of the Strategic Planning (SP) team or Strategic Management (SM) team.

As designed to support field countries with their Mid/long-Term Strategic Plan development, it is recommended for all staff members who are part of that process. Each partnership country should also form a Task Force Team for MLTSP Development and encourage them to take this course

What will I learn and how? 
You will self-directedly learn the detailed guidance for the GN Partnership Country MLTSP Development based on the updated manual and templates. There is a Q&A Forum where you can raise questions as you're developing the MLTSP!

How long will it take?
Approximately 4.5-5 hrs.

Will I get a certificate at the end?
Yes, after submitting the feedback survey

Enrolment: Self-enrolment
Duration: 90 days

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)