[GN WEBINAR] GN’s Humanitarian Responses to the Ukraine Crisis

[GN WEBINAR] GN’s Humanitarian Responses to the Ukraine Crisis

de GN Academy -
Número de respuestas: 1


The ongoing Ukraine war has been leaving irrecoverable scars on the heart of Ukraine since February. We, Good Neighbors, rapidly responded to the crisis in Romania right after the outbreak of the war to protect the children and their families and provide comprehensive support.

Global Partnership Center (GPC), Global Capacity Development Center (GCDC), and Geneva International Cooperation Office would like to invite you all to the first GN Knowledge Sharing Webinar that covers the Ukraine issues by hearing the voices from the field. 👷🏻🚑💬


📃 Please find the poster below for detailed information.

🔗 Webinar Link: https://web.yammer.com/main/events/01027683-07b4-4c1f-b6cf-a71d5c4e1b13?eventReferrer=GlammerAttendeeLink

🕑 Time Converter: https://greenwichmeantime.com/time-gadgets/time-zone-converter/


We are looking forward to meeting you!