Microfinance Impact Measuring Survey Manual
Social Economy (GIF)

Is this course for me?
Yes, if you're...

  • IG staff involved in microfinance activities,
  • Staff implementing monitoring and evaluation, and
  • Enumerators conducting the survey.

We also recommend any staff interested in microfinance or the impact of GN activities.

What will I learn and how? 
You will be self-directed. This course will help you understand how to implement surveys to measure the impact of GN microfinance activities and what type of tools you can use and when you’re required to conduct each survey.

How long will it take?

15 mins. each module, approximately 1 hr. to complete.

Will I get a certificate at the end?
Yes, after submitting the feedback survey.

Enrolment: Self-enrolment
Duration: All year round
Language: English

GN Accounting 101 for Income Generation
Social Economy (GIF)

Is this course for me?
Yes, if you're an IG staff or interested in studying financial accounting!

What will I learn and how? 
You will be self-directed. This course introduces financial accounting terminology and key concepts in income generation and the social economy sector. By completing this course, you will understand how to read financial statements, types of assets, and other key elements of financial accounting.

How long will it take?

There are 15 chapters, and each chapter takes 15-20 mins. It will take around 4-5 hours to complete.

Will I get a certificate at the end?
Yes, after submitting the feedback survey.

Enrolment: Self-enrolment
Duration: All year round
Language: English

GN Loan Management
Social Economy (GIF)

Is this course for me?
Yes, if you're in charge of Microfinance institutions/Revolving funds or others who are interested in loan management. 

What will I learn and how? 
You will be self-directed and learn a basic understanding of the general terms of loan and loan management processes from screening to execution and repayment management. 

How long will it take?

Approximately 2 hrs.

Will I get a certificate at the end?
Yes, after submitting the feedback survey.

Enrolment: Self-enrolment
Duration: All year round
Language: English

How to Use GN Microfinancing Management Program
Social Economy (GIF)

Is this course for me?
Yes, if you're a loan executor in charge of Micro-finance Institutions and Revolving Fund or those who are interested in how-to use GN microfinancing management program.

What will I learn and how? 
You will be self-directed. This course explains the background of developing the GN Microfinancing management program, key features, and guidance on how to use each menu of the program.  

How long will it take?

Approximately 30 mins.

Will I get a certificate at the end?
Yes, after completing all assignments and the feedback survey.

Enrolment: Self-enrolment
Duration: All year round
Language: English