Welcome to Good Neighbors
This platform is dedicated to sharing our mission and values with Good Neighbors's partners, including volunteers and stakeholders.
Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO to makes the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. We are currently active in over 40 countries around the globe, where we carry out projects aimed at promoting and safeguarding children's rights, strengthening global collaborations, and advocating for the rights of the most vulnerable in a respectful and impactful manner.
We sincerely hope that your time spent at GN Academy will provide you with a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of Good Neighbors and our initiatives. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your involvement with Good Neighbors.
Good Change for the world! We are all Good Neighbors!

GN Safeguarding for Partners
GN Partners
Is this course for me?
Yes, this course is mandatory for all GN Partners.
Let's build our understanding of safeguarding essentials and Good Neighbors' safeguarding policy and procedures. You will acquire knowledge on the importance of safeguarding in all our programs and in contact with children and vulnerable adults and understand how to prevent, report, and respond to any alleged misconduct.
How long will it take?
It will take approximately 1 hour
Enrolment: Self-enrolment
Duration: All year round
Language: English
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